Allan Moore

Where I'm from: I'm from Paisley, near Glasgow in Scotland, and have lived here for 10 years. Before that I lived for 19 years in Bridge of Weir, a small village about 15 miles from Glasgow. I share my birthday with the A-List Celebrity - Jesus aka the J-man! Yeah, that's right my birthday is Christmas Day or 25/12/1980 to be precise. I've got my own flat where I live with my wife who claims that my pile of SMS games is nearly touching the roof in the bedroom!

What I do: I'm a full time lecturer at a Scottish University, as well as researching for a PhD part time, enjoy it loads though I have to put a lot of hours in which is restricting my gaming time somewhat! In my spare time I play football for a local team, and have played for a number of teams since I was at school. Aside from football I also love taking part in most sports including golf, running, weights and cycling.

How I got interested in the Master System: One of my friends was the sort of kid who got everything he wanted from his dad (partly because his mum died when he was about 6 and his dad spoiled the 3 kids rotten since), and he had every new system going when we were kids. He got the SMS the week it came out and I spent evenings, nights, mornings, afternoons and weekends round at his playing it with him. I reckon his dad (who worked a lot) probably got to the stage where he was coming home and not remembering where this 4th kid of his had come from coz he sure as hell didn't remember being there when he was born! Eventually after months of pressure (and probably a large food bill from my friends dad!) my parents caved in and allowed me to get an SMS of my own (well I say of my own, I had to share it with my brother). And that's where it all began!

Top five favorite games: 1. Alex Kidd in Miracle World. 2. Quest for the Shaven Yak (Ren & Stimpy). 3. Sonic the Hedgehog. 4. Sensible Soccer. 5. Micro Machines

My SMS Collection: I've got a complete Euro set, which took me a few years to get, but I'm glad I finally got there! I've also got a decent sized collection of Tec Toy games, around 30-40 of them. Have some US games but no real desire to go for a full set there, though will probably end up not far off just by picking up the odd game from ebay. In terms of hardware I've got quite a few boxed console variations, pride of place would probably go to my Tec Toy SMS3 with 105 built in games. Also got a boxed MarkIII, and a few japanese games, but I don't really actively collect for it. The only game I'd really like to get hold of these days is Mah/Mak Jong, but only really for the sake of having it so I'm not in a rush to spend a lot of money on it.


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