Andrew Allison

Where I'm from: I'm from Glasgow in Scotland.

What I do: I'm working for Dell as a technical specialist, which is a pretty dull job. When I'm not at work (which is not often!) I spend time playing games, watching dvds and generally doing not too much.. I guess you could say web design is one of my hobbies, since I do run this site! ( not to sure about the "design" part mind you.)

How I got interested in the Master System: On Christmas 1988 I recieved the best present ever - The Sega Master System. Prior to this I hadn't played many video games, only a few in arcades. The first game I ever played was Astro Warrior, and Hang On. Both of those systems came with my Sega as a combo cart. The same Christmas I also recieved Space Harrier, Choplifter and Shinobi. Shinobi remains my favourite game to this day.

Top five favorite games: Hmm this is really quite tough, I have two ways of looking at this, I could pick what I know now are the best games, or I could pick the games I'm most nostalgic about. Here goes, Shinobi, Space Harrier, Golden Axe Warrior, Populous and Alex Kidd in Miracle World. - I'll let you decide what I went with.

My SMS Collection: Check the link at the bottom of this page to see my collection! I have a bit of a unique philosophy regarding SMS game collecting. I used to bid and battle like everyone else. These days I'm more laid back and relaxed. I am still playing through all my games, there is not a need to have any game "now!” What is meant for me will not pass me by! This philosophy has served me well in the past, having found a good number of the more pricey/semi rare titles in the wild for little or close to nothing.
