
Where I'm from: London, England. East London to be exact.

What I do: I'm an I.T. Tutor. A learndirect tutor to be more specific. It's a bit of a crummy job but hey, I'm still young. My hobbies include sports, in particular football, tennis and table tennis. I enjoy watching films and collecting DVD's. Like everyone else in the world, I enjoy music, but I'm not one of these "I listen to anything and everything" types. I'm quite particular but mainly listen to rock. On that subject, I like to play guitar, I'm not that good mind. I enjoy playing video games. I like art and design, particularly website design.

How I got interested in the Master System: Got one for Xmas back in ’89. My earliest memories of the SMS are playing Action Fighter, Secret Command and Double Dragon with my dad. Ah, good times. Fond memories revived my interest in recent years.

Top five favorite games: Master of Darkness, Wimbledon, Sonic the Hedgehog, Alex Kidd in Miracle World and Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion.

My SMS Collection: About 40 games, all Euro. I’m not much of a collector, I just get the games I like to play. I have a few SMS1 and SMS2 consoles, a couple of light guns, some pads, a joystick and umm, that's about it.


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